A resume is a document used by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments. It can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment. Creating your resume is the first step to getting a job. Learn exactly what goes into this important document and start your career search off on the right foot by creating your own resume.

What is a resume for a job?

        Resume is a record for Self achievements, Education, Professional skills, Work experience, Awards & Certifications and other professional details that make the case for the job. Usually, it is the first and best contact between a employer and candidate.

Resume Category

 1. Chronological Format (Reverse- Chronological)  
  Chronological is the most common resume format used to list the experiences of the candidate according to their skills. Generally, it is the older/ancient model, this is familiar for potential employers. This is not  most creative resume format.

 2.Functional Format(Skill Based)

      Functional is a type of resume that lists the candidate experiences according to their skill. Entry-level job seekers(students/freshers) can use this format to emphasize skills over lack of experience, sometime experienced candidate who changing career direction can use this format. Recruiters/HR managers may think you're hiding something from your academics when you used this format. 

        3.Combination Format
     Combination is a type which combines the best aspects of both chronological and functional resume. This is odd/uncommon, unfamiliar, less endorsed/not recommended for entry-level job seekers/freshers. Be heedful with length for this format; this can be quickly get long.

        4.Other Resume Format
     Other resume formats such as, Video resume, Info graphic resume, Animated resume, Web site/online resume,  Resume builder tool based resume. These are the several types of resume. You may use several paid and free tools in online market to build your online resume.

Pros and Cons for all three categories

Step Guide to prepare an professional resume

  1. Select the right one from the above listed format and resume must have personal communication address

  2. Start with the heading (Eg.: Career Objective/ About yourself)

  3. List your major achievements (and/or) work experience, educational qualification and must have relevant skills and job sets to fit the job

  4. List your extra curricular activities/hobbies/interests/volunteer work/internships/certifications/awards/projects/publications

  5. Complete with acknowledgement/cover letter/declaration

Professional Resume Guide

One can't just start preparing a resume by putting the information into the resume without any direction or planning. Choose any one style before start preparing your resume it may be chronological/functional/combination. Most job seekers will likely choose chronological style. Its a odd resume format which emphasizes your duties, experience, and work history. As it is the standard resume format, it tends easy to read.

Note: Several case studies gives the relationship between resume and the applicant's personality. Be careful which style you want to choose yours!

 Necessary Contact Information

  • Name: First name, Last name.

  • Contact Number: Personal cell phone preferred.

  • Email Address: Today's preferred means of communication.

  • LinkedIn URL: Include your LinkedIn profile.

  • Personal Website: If possible add your site address.(Optional)

Tip: Give them a professional email address, not your old informal/joking address  (dangerman69yoyo@....) or an outdated email provider ( Studies have proven that a formal email address is much more hire-able than an informal one.

Start with a Heading Statement(Resume Summary or Resume Objective)

In resume objective statement, you may highlight transferable skills from other areas, if you have no work experience, or none related to the position you're applying for (entry-level applicants, freshers, students, etc.). 

Work Experience & Achievements 
Job Title - This should be at top of each entry of work history so it's easy for potential employers to find. Make it bold and/or increase the font size by 1pt or 2pts from the rest.
Company, City, State - On the next line, include the previous employer's company name, and the city and state of the location you worked.
Dates Employed - And next, add time frame of your employment in that organization. You can add the year or both the month and the year, not necessary to add number of days worked.
Key Responsibilities & Achievements - Highlight/Focus on the few duties most relevant to the new job. Don't  list every single task you had done. 

List Your Education Correctly

The right resume education order is to place your highest degree first.
Add any other degrees after in reverse-chronological order.
If you finished a university degree, don't add high school information.
Some college on a resume is also fine, just list completed credits.

 Skills to put on a resume

  • Communication skills 
  • Technical skills 
  • Job-specific skills
  • Leadership and management skills 
  • Critical thinking skills 
  • Organizational skills 
  • Transferable skills 

Include Additional Important Resume Sections

    • Speak another Hobbies and interests
    • Volunteer work
    • Internship experience
    • Certifications and awards

language? Impressive!!! 

Language may be categorized by 4 skills. These skills are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. In the context of first-language acquisition, the four skills are most often acquired in the order of listening first, then speaking, then possibly reading and writing.

Why LSRW is necessary for students?

English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce or Higher education. Present placement patterns were changed with the latest trends by including writing assessments like Image skill and Email writing. To crack the latest placement students must be perfect in reading and writing assessments. Now a days, Students who are very good in technical are lagging in communication. As communication plays very important role in workplace and higher education, students must be perfect in communication.


You can include projects as a separate section if you've done a bunch or simply mention one or two below each job description.


If you have articles written for a blog, newspaper, or scientific journal? Mention those publications in your resume. In case, you've built graphic designs or other creative creations or your list of publications or projects is too long to go on a resume, consider building an online portfolio to document everything. Link to it from the contact section, in this case.


Double-check your  resume draft before sending it out. Scan your resume and cover letter with a online tool like Grammar. Then, ask a friend or family member to re-check it.

Saving your resume

Recruiters prefer resumes in Microsoft Word .doc and PDF format.


            SIMPLE RESUME PREP. GUIDE                     A resume is a document used by a person to present their background, skills, and a...